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Postmodernism, Deconstructionism and Robert E. Lee

Postmodernism, Deconstructionism and Robert E. Lee

One of the most meaningful road trips I have ever taken with my family was our cross-country tour of Civil War sites back in 2002. Seeing the battlefields of Antietam and Gettysburg and monuments to generals and soldiers on both sides---Confederate and Union—gave us...

Freedom Caucus Taking the Initiative on Obamacare Repeal

Freedom Caucus Taking the Initiative on Obamacare Repeal

"We make this job too difficult," Jordan said in a statement. "We need to do what we told the voters we were going to do. There's no reason we should send less on repeal to President Trump's desk than we sent to President Obama's. Now is the time for members of...

Manchurian McCain?

Manchurian McCain?

Listening to the pundits on both sides of the aisle react to to the death of the Healthcare bill redux at the hands of the Senate, you would think the whole Republican party, as well as President Trump, were to blame. But let's get the straight: 3 RINO's broke with...

It Takes A Family: Trump’s Team Up at G-20

It Takes A Family: Trump’s Team Up at G-20

One of the most impressive things about Trump is his family. Even with the controversial persona constantly drawing attacks from every direction, most people, including detractors have been forced to admit that you can't fake good kids. We have seen first hand how...

Trump’s Leadership Style A Refreshing Contrast to Obama

Trump’s Leadership Style A Refreshing Contrast to Obama

Are American's waking up and beginning to realize, with each passing day, that winning the White House should not be about winning a personality contest but about winning the day with strong, persuasive leadership? Maybe so. Ex Obama aide and present Veterans Affairs...

Sketchy Russian Dossier Firm A DNC Creation?

Sketchy Russian Dossier Firm A DNC Creation?

Why does this come as no surprise that these guys are dragging their feet with investigators? The Dem's chickens are coming home to roost! A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling...

Obama vs Trump on the Otto Warmbier Debacle

Obama vs Trump on the Otto Warmbier Debacle

There's no greater threat to the innocent than the deranged logic of liberals Obama’s official approach was dubbed “strategic patience.” It sounds like a term that wins the marketing meeting but has little effect in real life. Kind of like “leading from...

Lifting the Lid on the DEEP STATE PLOT

Lifting the Lid on the DEEP STATE PLOT

Clarice Feldman of the American Thinker writes a telling article on the rationale of the Deep State in recent developments in Washington. "This week, we learned that former FBI Director James Comey will probably be a witness in any proceeding brought by his close...

Trump’s Tremendous Effect on the Economy

Trump’s Tremendous Effect on the Economy

"While the Democrats and their media allies attempt to bring down the Trump presidency with a determination reminiscent of Wile E. Coyote’s pursuit of the Road Runner, the president’s efforts to shrink the size and scope of government are producing some very positive...

Comey Is A “Never Trumper” After All

Comey Is A “Never Trumper” After All

The Comey hearings uncovered something that has remained a mystery for months: where he stands on the political spectrum--and more specifically, on the Trump-Clinton debate. Now there is no doubt: he does not like or trust president Donald Trump. Comey took notes on...

Time For A Terrorism Accord

Time For A Terrorism Accord

Like so often is the case, the left has been barking up the wrong tree this week, They are all bent out of shape over Trump's decision to pull the US out of the Paris Climate Accord---whole ignoring the need for the world community to get a grip on the problem of...

The Freedom Caucus

Who are the men and women who stand as the gatekeepers of liberty and conservatism in the House of Representatives?