Presidential comment line: 202-456-1111

Moderate Republicans Are Moving the Goalposts

In the effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, round one failed. Many in the media placed the blame on the Freedom Caucus, who were unable to justify voting for it when only 17% of the people who sent them to Washington favored the bill. More to the point, it fell far short of repealing and replacing Obamacare, and the cost to the middle class was not addressed.

Now we are looking at round two. Word has it that things are beginning to come together for the Obamacare repeal we have all been waiting for. Or are they? The Freedom Caucus has on on record saying they are happy and ready to sign off on the latest version, which they say adequately addresses healthcare costs. One problem: now the RINOS are begining to move the goalposts.



Breitbart: Obamacare Repealed Stalled by Moderate Republicans