Breitbart News has independently confirmed an earlier report in People magazine, which reported that Palin was not sent an invitation, and was told through intermediaries to stay away from the ceremony. Sarah Palin was a loyal VP candidate and strong advocate for John...
“Social media companies are the most dangerous monopolies — ever. Facebook, Twitter, and Google are far worse than the original monopolies like International Harvester and Standard Oil and far more dangerous because they monopolize not just our industries but our...
While the Mainstream Media is peeing their pants with glee, thinking their fantasy of impeaching our president is beginning to gain traction, Mark Levin assures us that there is nothing to it. His conclusion: Clinton loyalist Lanny Davis and the other lawyers getting...
Russian scholar and intellectual Stephen Cohen makes CNN’s Max Boot look like a lightweight. Boot and Anderson Cooper, both suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, keep insisting that Russia attacked us and that Trump should attack Putin and Russia. Cohen...
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